Organisation Performance Reporting
PeopleSafe have worked with us to develop an Organisation Performance Reporting system to enable us to get a high level picture of how each store is doing.
Individual Store Organisation Performance Reports
From October 2018 there will be regular automated reporting for each store. This will be emailed to the PeopleSafe Coordinators for that site, and to anyone that is added to the Reporting Notification Emails in the Our Organisation screen in PeopleSafe.
Reporting Notification Emails
Under the Our Organisation section in PeopleSafe you are able to set where you want to have the email notification from the Maxtel sync.
A PeopleSafe Coordinator is able to update this by going to the Our Organisation page and adding the email address beside the field labelled Sync Notification Email. This can be sent to more than one address if required by adding a semi colon (;) after each email address.